Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today's Sox Fact

Alphabetically, Bob Zupcic, an outfielder with the Red Sox from 1991 to 1994, comes last on the all-time Red Sox roster.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The House That A-Rod Built

My Dad got an AIG Bonus and all I got was these lousy seats (that my Dad is scared to use).

Sunday, May 3, 2009

April Score Cawd

Youkilis: A plus/MVP Month

Pedroia: B plus / Never stops playing

Lugo: F / Theo's Folly

Green: B plus / Ex-Yankee Redemption

Lowell: A / Hip to be Square

Bay: A / Just Jason Being Jason

Ellsbury: B / A Hint of What May Come

Drew: C minus / My Back Hurts Watching

Big P: D / A Slow Beginning or The End

Beckett: F / Ace in a Hole

Lester: C minus / Step Back From Last Year

DiceK: F / Assist from Selig

Wakefield: B plus / Never Knuckles Under

Penny: F / Wooden Nickel

Masterson: C / Tough Assignment

Papelbon: B / Is it Better to be Feared or Respected?

Bullpen: A / As Promised