Monday, April 6, 2009


Were the last five years just an Impossible Dream?
Did the Nation (and the Dow) reach a peak with the October 2007 Team?
Ray, baseball may be a constant, but who can we really trust anymore?
It was a love affair twixt a town and a team;
Oh Manny, you came and you gave us two titles, but we sent you away.
The last shall be first and first shall be last, at least in the AL East.
Maybe it's time not to be so greedy.
Just enjoy the moment, will you ever forget the ground ball stabbed by Foulke?
The times they are a changing, but the more things change. . . .
Go Red Sox.

Download the 2009 Sox Mash Up at this page:
(Save the mp3 file to your hard drive and play)

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